Pricing for Pro’s

We provide you with active leads in your selected categories at no cost as they become available. You can review the leads and their details, and only pay when you decide to contact the customer.

Pro Points for professionals

Introducing our innovative currency system: Pro Points. This straightforward credit system allows you to purchase a bundle of points and effortlessly use them to engage with your desired customers.

No hidden fees, no commissions.

Pro Points do not expire

There is no urgency to use your points or contact customers immediately. Take your time to familiarize yourself with the referral system, monitor leads relevant to your sector, and wait for their feedback. Build your confidence before engaging in the market. Rest assured, there is no pressure, as Pro Points do not expire.

Priced accordingly

Each project is unique and is therefore priced individually, regardless of its professional category. We determine the Pro Point allocation for each project based on the area's demand, the job's value, and the lead's quality. This ensures that you are never overcommitting to a lesser lead at a higher value.

Points make prizes

To reward our active customers who purchase Pro Points and leave feedback, we have launched a monthly Pro Points competition. Each month, we select winners to receive a bundle of free Pro Points, which can be used to purchase more leads on our site. Winners are announced at the start of each month via our website and within email notifications.


    • Customers email address

    • Customer telephone number

      Once you are in receipt of these you a free to engage the customers and pursue business.

  • Once you have initially purchased the customers details, there is no follow up cost or recurring fee.

  • You can redeem your Pro Points in exchange for company featured articles and other advertising campaigns on our website as well as on our partners. [Click here to learn more]